I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I have no problem admitting that I was too hard on the book. But if you'll allow me I'd like to defend myself a little bit. You might imagine that dystopias in addition to whatever else they might be trying to do, would want to explore what makes something a dystopia and secondarily warn us away from certain paths which might lead to that destination. If a dystopia is unable to show a credible path to how it might happen, then they're not as successful as it could be.

I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to YA dystopias, but The Giver is supposed to the be the smart one, the one that does it the best. And while it's a satisfying book, I don't think it reaches the level of being a genuine classic.

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Hi there. This is one one of my least favorite books ever. Because I believe in the end Jonas dies. And then there was a sequel. Nope, sorry. He died.

I understand there is another interpretation of the book. I just don’t buy it.

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The Hunger Games and Divergent are both more entertaining and more interesting as Dystopias go. My only criticism of them is (just like TV and movies like Braveheart), the people do not exhibit real bodily frailty. There are wounds that do not incapacitate or kill that should. Totally unrealistic, though young people without any medical experience might believe it is real or closer than reality than it is. Also in Braveheart, he would not be able to cry ‘Freedom!’ while being DISEMBOWELED. Total shock or death going on there. Sorry, dudes. Not real.

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Best dystopian novel. 1984

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1984. The best

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Don’t know what the rules are for requests. But I would love to read a review from you on 1. Wuthering Heights or 2. Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott

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