“Once a king or queen in Narnia, always a king or queen. Bear it well, Sons of Adam! Bear it well, Daughters of Eve!” - Aslan in _The_Lion,_The_Witch,_and_the_Wardrobe_. His statement has more authority than Peter's "no longer a Friend of Narnia." Peter - as all of us - has more to learn about Aslan.
These are keen insights on why this book would be tough to adapt. I'll add another to the list: The fact that as a child, I didn't really like The Last Battle. It was only when I re-read the series as an adult that I understood what was happening, and The Last Battle then brought me closer to tears than any other Narnia book had. Lewis tilted more heavily toward symbolism in some of his stories, and this was the pinnacle of that.
But as an author and a person of faith myself, the challenge this poses thrill me. I love thinking strategically about how to keep the soul of the story intact while modifying it for a modern audience. It sounds like you do too. So that gives me hope that something thoughtful, true, and dramatically sound could someday exist.
They just announced that Greta Gerwig has been greenlight for a new Narnia adaptation. I don't know if she's a Christian, but she's a very clever writer. Hopefully she chooses to stay true to the source material.
“Once a king or queen in Narnia, always a king or queen. Bear it well, Sons of Adam! Bear it well, Daughters of Eve!” - Aslan in _The_Lion,_The_Witch,_and_the_Wardrobe_. His statement has more authority than Peter's "no longer a Friend of Narnia." Peter - as all of us - has more to learn about Aslan.
These are keen insights on why this book would be tough to adapt. I'll add another to the list: The fact that as a child, I didn't really like The Last Battle. It was only when I re-read the series as an adult that I understood what was happening, and The Last Battle then brought me closer to tears than any other Narnia book had. Lewis tilted more heavily toward symbolism in some of his stories, and this was the pinnacle of that.
But as an author and a person of faith myself, the challenge this poses thrill me. I love thinking strategically about how to keep the soul of the story intact while modifying it for a modern audience. It sounds like you do too. So that gives me hope that something thoughtful, true, and dramatically sound could someday exist.
They just announced that Greta Gerwig has been greenlight for a new Narnia adaptation. I don't know if she's a Christian, but she's a very clever writer. Hopefully she chooses to stay true to the source material.