Fun, I'm 64 and yeah those books about kids doing stuff, was what I did. It was all free range kids back then. Which was great. I don't think I know any of those books, except maybe the boxcar kids, and certainly Encyclopedia Brown. I read all of those in the local library and then went right to Sherlock Holmes. I soon found the YA sci-fi section and gobbled up all of that. Heinlein became my total fav.
Yes, Heinlein's great! As a kid, I got into my dad's collection of the "Heinlein juveniles" a few years after I read most of the books I was talking about in this post. They were fun, and still are.
There are rereleases of "Red Planet" and "Podakayne of Mars" the unedited versions, which were better. Why some editor thought American youth would be corrupted by Martian sex, I'll never know.
Fun, I'm 64 and yeah those books about kids doing stuff, was what I did. It was all free range kids back then. Which was great. I don't think I know any of those books, except maybe the boxcar kids, and certainly Encyclopedia Brown. I read all of those in the local library and then went right to Sherlock Holmes. I soon found the YA sci-fi section and gobbled up all of that. Heinlein became my total fav.
Yes, Heinlein's great! As a kid, I got into my dad's collection of the "Heinlein juveniles" a few years after I read most of the books I was talking about in this post. They were fun, and still are.
There are rereleases of "Red Planet" and "Podakayne of Mars" the unedited versions, which were better. Why some editor thought American youth would be corrupted by Martian sex, I'll never know.