Well put. Completely agree.

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I also completely agree. Also...

1) You might be able to collapse a blog post to a thesis statement. But the only person likely to agree with that statement is someone who has no objections. Thesis statements aren't going to convince anyone of something. Longer writing has greater potential to be persuasive. Certainly you can overshoot the mark, but persuasion is a valuable exercise, particularly these days.

2) I've read both of Hanania's books and I wouldn't say that they were markedly more valuable than the average non-fiction book. So his arguments ring a little bit hollow from my perspective.

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Of making many books there is no end;" it "is a weariness of the flesh," as the ancient writer said in Ecclesiastes

Yeah but he also says to write them

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"I don't think those particular ideas would've taken book-length writing to explain, but they would've taken more length than a blog post."

This sounds like a job for my old friend, the novella-length blog post!

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Nice, Reading can be the destination (new ideas, perspectives) or the journey. In general it's the journey I enjoy. When reading a new novel that I like, I feel a sense of disappointment as I come to the end of the book.... I'd like to read slower... make it last, but I can't.

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