I think this is your best yet. In particular I didn't know about the Hamilton-Burr gap, or the recently discovered Roman Emperor. But the whole idea is fascinating.

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So I would suggest an addition between gaps that matter versus ones that don't. Whoever shot first with Hamilton-Burr is interesting but would it change the big narrative much?

But some possible gaps could be quite dramatic. For example, whether there were sophisticated civilizations that pre-dated the earlies ones we know about? Imagine a Rome level civilization 75,000 years ago that lasted 3,000 years and then collapsed into a long dark period until around 4000 BCE or so. If that turns out to be the story that's pretty amazing. If we are able to rule that out entirely, less amazing because it doesn't overturn our current narrative but still helpful.

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You may be interested in this video I stumbled over. It's a bit borderline in terms of speculation but it's not the first time I've heard a plausible sounding case that Earth had civilization(s) more than 10K years ago.

I'm not quite clear what the connection is to the 'two day orbit' he discovered unless you want to imagine some sort of monolith concept ala 2001.


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