It’s been two and a half years since I started Papyrus Rampant! Thank you to all my 980+ loyal subscribers, thank you to all my readers, and thank you to all my commenters. I keep saying it in every one of these anniversary posts, but it’s still true: you're the ones who keep me coming back to write posts week after week.
If you’ve been following along with my American Revolution series, you might’ve noticed that we’ll be getting to the start of the war next month. I’m definitely planning to keep going - hopefully all the way through the war, if my blog stays around that long! Though, I’m considering changing the format as more events start happening simultaneously throughout America. Perhaps, instead of digging into individual events, I might start surveys of what was happening throughout America in a given month?
Also, I’m going to Worldcon this year! Since I registered early, I have the right to nominate titles for the Hugo Awards. Unfortunately, the nomination deadline is next week and I still only know one eligible title that I want to nominate.
If you have any suggestions, especially for short stories which I might have more time to read this next week, please let me know? Here are the rules for the different categories, but in short, anything first published or first published in English in 2024 is eligible.
i look forward to the rest of your American Revolution series
Hey! Which is the first post of your American Revolution series?